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Fermín Parra, y la de Karate, Josep
El viernes tuvieron lugar los exá-
menes para cinturones negros.
El sábado, tras la inauguración,
pudieron practicarse las dife-
rentes disciplinas. Por la noche,
durante la clausura, hubo más de
22 demostraciones, una ceremo-
nia ritual japonesa denominada
“Osame no gi” representando el
espíritu de la despedida y final-
mente, la entrega de los distintos
cinturones negros. Como gran fi-
nal, el domingo tuvo lugar el tra-
dicional MIZU GEIKO, entrena-
miento en el mar.
Also present were the Pre-
sidents of the Catalan Judo
Association, Fermin Parra, and the
Karate Federation, Josep Bosch.
On Friday, the exams were held
for obtaining the black belt, while
the following day was filled by
practice of the various disciplines.
In the evening there were more
than 22 performances, and a ce-
lebration of the Japanese farewell
ceremony «Osame no Gi». Ano-
ther highlight of the event: the pre-
sentation of the black belts. On
Sunday the seminar was ended
with a traditional farewell MIZU
geiko training at the beach.