Restaurant / Apartments
Riera Sant Vicenç s/n
Tel. 972 25 84 82
Monday closed
13h a 15:45h and 20h a 22:45h
Tapas to share......
R es tau r ant gu i d E
„Man kann das Essen unterlassen - aber schlecht essen kann man nicht.“
„Se puede aplazar una comida pero no se puede comer mal.“
„It is all right to skip a meal, but never to eat badly.“
„Il est permis de sauter un repas. Pas de manger mal.“
Salvador Dalì
Can Padres
Restaurant /Grill
Pals Rodonda
Open every day from15.06. to 11.09.
01.00 pm to 3.30 pm
and 06.30 pm to 10.30 pm
Grilled chicken with french fries
Coordenades Restaurant
c. mestre manuel de falla, 2
(plaça del sol)
Tel. +34 972 500 582
13.00 - 15.30 h and 20.30 - 22.30 h
July and August closed on Sunday and
Creative cuisine: different menus / a la carte
For Costa Live Readers a glass of Cava
is offered.
El Fort, Hotel / Restaurant
C/ Presó, 2
Tel. +34 972 757 773
open every day
Lunch 01.00pm to 04.00pm
Dinner 08.00pm to 11.00pm
Ecological cuisine / Slow Food
Terrace open whole day,
healthy breakfasts are served from 08.00am
El Racó de Castelló
Restaurant / Hotel
Avinguda Generalitat, 12
Tel. 972 25 06 14
open every day
Catalan cuisine
Daily menú €9.00 / week ends
Castelló d’Empúries
Hotel Canet
Hotel / Restaurant
Placa Joc de la Pilota, 2
Tel. 972 25 03 40
972 15 60 57
open every day
Delicious Catalan Cuisine
Fresh produce from the market,
Specialties from the Empordà
Castello d’Empuries
La Bona Taula
Crta. de Figueres a Roses Km. 38,5
Tel. 617 233 713
open every day
Italian & Mexican Cuisine, BBQ
Cocktail Lounge terrace