Page 17 - Costa Live - Magazine
P. 17
Farbenpracht. Möwen kreisen im Wind. Felsen, Vegetation und azurblaues Meer vor blauem Postkartenhimmel lassen uns die Anstrengung des leichten Anstiegs über die Felsen unter der Mittagssonne vergessen. Der Weg schlän- gelt sich oben auf der Felsenküste entlang. Rechts neben uns tauchen immer wieder schöne alte Villen und gepflegte Gartenanlagen auf. Einige Anwesen haben schlossähnlichen Charakter. Allen gemeinsam ist der traumhafte Meer- blick. Über diese spektakuläre Aussicht aufs Meer freuen auch wir uns bei unserem Fotobummel über kleine Felskaps hinunter in die Bucht von Llafranc. Der reizvolle Spaziergang dauert maximal 20 Minuten. In grauer Vorzeit ge- langte man über diesen Weg auch zu den Buchten, wenn ein Schiff gesunken war. Es gab hier Plätze, von denen aus der Horizont beobachtet wurde, um rechtzeitig Piratenüberfälle zu verhindern. Nach dem Spanischen Bürgerkrieg transportierte man Schmuggelware über diesen Pfad ins Land.
a Cuban tradition and were brought to Spain by immigrants. Therefore, the texts are almost without fail about ships and sailors and seasecrets, about love lost and found and longings that remained perpetually unfulfilled. They are mellow songs full of melancholy and they have travelled a long way from the Caribbean to Catalonia. The mixture of creolic melodies and sad folksong is usually accompanied by guitar or accordion and has been passed down from one generation to the next.
We take a stroll along the beach esplanade, towards Llafranc, passing the steep cliff’s rocks. Impressively, the luscious green roof of an ancient pine tree arches above our heads. Agaves in the rocks high above the sea, thistles and succulents scattered throughout, the landscape is dotted with flaming colors. Gulls roam the skies. Rocks, plant, blue sea. The sky an even deeper blue. To our right, beautiful old mansions come into sight time and time again, sur- rounded by well-kept gardens. They all have one thing in common: dreamlike, far-off views onto the endless sea.
The thoroughly enchanting walk takes about 20 minutes. A long time ago, this was also the path to take in order to get to the bays when a ship had sunken. There were places nearby, ideally suited for keeping an eye on the horizon, to make sure pirate attacks were prevented. After the Spanish Civil War, it was on this way that smuggled goods were transported into the country.
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